And this:

...with just the occasional break for this:

when far-off friends decided to come and make a weekend of it, so we had to show off some of our favourite places.
As to the baking, well believe me when I say there was a LOT of it...so much that I didn't even get time to photograph it. As we wanted this to be something of a house-warming as well as a special day for our little lady, we invited just about everyone we knew and were flattered that so many made in a lot of cases a long journey to be here. The house was fully warmed, both babes (the bigger one is getting sooo big now!) were smiley socialites all day and some people even found places to sit down!

After a happy, happy day following weeks of seemingly endless lists of jobs, we are left with just a couple:

Carefully handwashing the beautiful christening gown that was handstitched by my paternal Grandmother from parachute silk, worn by my Father, me and all my siblings and now both my babies- the latter two with an equally beautiful shawl knitted by my MIL and M with a darling hand smocked bonnet made by my mother, truly a family affair!

Eating the leftovers! I'm quite pleased that there aren't too many of these, as it must show that the cooking was alright and that my catering calculations were fairly accurate. Enough for a few yummy lunches and luxurious suppers, mulling over the memories as normality returns.