Not only can old dogs learn new tricks, but they can acquire new old treasure. This is another find from the farm (a seemingly endless trove of undiscovered goodies). Like the jam pan and chest of drawers before it, my Father in Law was quite happy for me to have this, which he would term 'kelter' (junk to the non-Lancastrian famers among us) on permanent loan. The only proviso was a share of the cakes I'm going to create with it. There's a reason Kenwood has the good reputation it does, as this old Chef may have been grubby with years of neglect and maybe shows its age in the styling department but switch it on and it still goes- whether whisking, mixing, dough hooking or liquidising. I'm delighted.

New new treasure arrived in the post this week, in the form of this heavenly bundle of Manos Wool Clasica in 'Ganges'. Mindful of my habit of running out of yarn before the end of a project I bought all nine skeins that were in the sale at Meadow Yarn . At the moment it looks like I'll be using it to make a grown up version of Queen Bess but we'll see.

Finally, new and unfamiliar yet somehow old too...M had some chunky coloured pencils among her birthday present and today she had her first try with them. Seeing her being so grown up is new and unfamiliar, yet babies picking up the tools of other family members and copying what they've seen is surely as old as the human race.