I'm fond of a good pinafore dress, especially since having a little girl baby. On my 'most coveted' list for when M is just a little older is this gorgeous number from Oliver & S. As it happens, more inspiration came today from reading this blog- it must be a pinafore sort of day!
Anyway, I'd had some pretty spotted babycord ever since I accidentally ordered it when choosing fabrics for P's quilt. Only having a fat quarter it wasn't going to make any sort of garment, so I thought I'd improvise a little using some old cord trousers from the scrap pile and some leftover Liberty print from making last year's Christmas presents. I bodged a pattern together using existing garments and the Picture Frame dress pattern in Handmade Beginnings and came up with this little number. Then I found it wouldn't fit over M's head, even with a popper at the back, so I had to unpick a shoulder seam and add a button loop.
To be honest, while the finished result looks okay (it's all about the model!), on closer inspection it's rather a testament to what happens when you try to sew stuff with a heavy cold and in a hurry because the baby's grumpy. There are some unfinished edges inside, some upside-down linings and some decidedly wobbly seams. However, the process of making it has given me some inspiration for something I want to come up with based partly on this pinafore and partly on the trousers I made (more successfully I might add) a while back.
Meanwhile I have a cardigan and scarf off the knitting needles and ready to block. Which means I have nothing to knit over the weekend. I feel a baby hat coming on...