This will probably be your first, and last, chance to see me on a moutain bike (at Grizedale Forest Park). Or at least it will be once the pics are downloaded (watch this space, should be sorted later).
It's a tricky one. C loves his mountain bike, and P already shows a keen interest in wheels, pedals and anything else that moves and is covered in mud and oil (he loves his Daddy...) And I love being outdoors and going up hills, but oh my lord, introduce a bike into the equation and it just isn't fun anymore. Am I the only person in the world to find it so incredibly painful to tackle even the smallest of hills? Okay, so the first few were on a bike towing P in a trailer (hired from here) , but even when I swapped for C's fancy-pants bike and got the hang of gears it was so horrible I seriously felt sick. I am just not one of life's cyclists and I think I just need to accept it. Next time I'm on foot. Actually this time I was on foot quite a lot since I decided that the only way to enjoy myself was to push the bike up the hills and ride on the flat and down bits. Oh well...
At least a bit of exercise meant we earned our tea. Our veg box (helpfully unpacked by P) from Howbarrow Organic had all sorts of locally sourced goodies this week, including purple cauliflower. I decided purple cauliflower needed to be made into posh cauliflower cheese, so I made the sauce with brie instead of the usual cheddar. Yum! Mine was with veg burger and mash, C and P had bangers and mash- food of champions all rounded off with carrot cake (carrots also from the Howbarrow box).
Knitting in front of Strictly Come Dancing tonight I think, with a big cushion under my saddle sore bottom!
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