I signed up on Ravelry quite a while back (I'm on there as Annabanna in case you want to look me up), but had never really got into it. I went back on to find a pattern for an earflap hat (the boy just won't keep hats or hoods on so I need one I can tie under his chin!) and got drawn into it- oh, it's an easy addiction to get!
Of course, all this knitting inspiration only led to one thing...more yarn buying.
Like I reeeaaaallly needed more yarn. Okay, no I really didn't, but I couldn't help it- it's cold! I'm cracking on with the Fair Isle and have nearly finished the back, but I also have chilly fingers (when I'm out and about) and chilly toes.
I found this lovely pattern from Ysolda for flip top mittens. I had some flip top mittens before and found them so useful, especially out with the buggy, that I wore through the thumbs! The Artesano is a lovely pinky red and soooo soft, I can hardly wait to make the mittens, but I'm going to make myself wait until the Fair Isle is finished before I allow myself to buy the pattern- it's the only way.
As for the socks- well the last picture shows the result of hours of squinting at a horrendously complicated pattern full of travelling stitches. They were going to be the Diamond Socks from Yarn Forward magazine September issue, but by the time I'd knitted, unpicked and reknitted myself down to the heel, turned the heel and embarked on the foot, I'd had enough! If I even made it to the end of one sock, I'd never have the patience to make the other. So all that work has now been frogged, and this yarn, and the lovely pinky stuff above is going to be made into nice, plain, easy to knit without concentrating socks, hopefully quickly so I can get these toes warm.
And yes, I know those are yet more Brittany Birch needles- but you know, if I'm going to make all these socks, I think it's about time I had some gorgeous feeling needles rather than the nasty metal ones I've used in the past. In fact that might be why the Diamond socks went wrong. Ummm...am I protesting too much?
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