I know I keep going on about sunshine, but it's just so lovely to see it again! Everything seems so much better with that glorious light pouring in through the window. In fact, it really was better today, right from the off when I woke up to...nothing much in the way of noise. This is in contrast to the usual shrieking. My boy is a generally happy soul but for some reason he seems to wake up and get an instant cob on. The solution I began trialling last night was to leave a little bag of toys and books in his cot after he fell asleep. This morning he woke up, found the bag and contentedly played for about an hour and a half, chattering away to himself until I came in to him to be greeted by smiles and calm. Happy baby, happy mama! My mum has offered to sew a custom made bag to attach to the cot side and later the wall for this purpose- let's hope last night wasn't a one off.
Also this morning he went to his first toddler gymnastics class, which was another success. No surprise really that 45 minutes of charging round a miniature assault course was right up his alley. Lunch was followed by a loooong nap for a satisfied little soldier.
The sun just kept on coming so as my thoughts turned to the evening meal I found I wanted to make something fresh, green and sunshiney. Pesto seemed to tick the boxes, so I used the recipe in Cranks Fast Food to make the gorgeous green goop pictured above. I don't know why I don't make it from scratch more often- the taste and the smell combine to make me dream of summer days eating fresh food outdoors...picnics, barbecues, campfires, beaches- can't be that far off, surely?!?
Being realistic, though, it's still pretty chilly and we've a way to go yet, so back I went to another old favourite cook book- Nigel Slater's Kitchen Diaries. I struggle to get past January...cheese smothered potatoes, bulghar wheat with mint and aubergines and todays double ginger cake are all tried and tested, and there are still a couple of soups I want to try from that chapter and something else I can't recall but remember I spotted today. So many good recipes, this is the book I recommend to anyone who asks, although I can't work out how to stop the sultanas sinking to the bottom of the ginger cake- suggestions anyone?
Oh, that Nigel, he rocks! Were the house on fire, Slater's books would be the only ones I'd grab (after the kids, of course, though before my purse, probably). I'm constantly amazed he isn't better known in the States. Sorry lot, we are. I've been meaning to give the bulgur and aubergine a go; thanks for the kick in the pants. Oh, and for the toys + books idea! Why did I never think of that? As for sultanas, I've had good luck tossing them in a Tablespoon of flour (from the recipe, set aside) before adding them to the batter. Usually keeps them afloat. Enjoy that sunshine :)