Yesterday was doomed from the start really. For a start, it was a Wednesday. For some reason, nothing happens on a Wednesday here- the library is closed, our friends are all at work, there aren't any playgroups or classes we can do...even with the sun shining it feels like a real mid-week slump. And yesterday was made worse because something woke the boy up at 3.30am and kept him (and me) up for the best part of 3 hours in a miserable state. So I would definitely say I was struggling yesterday morning. When naptime rolled around I logged on to my usual blog roll and there was this
post from Hannah at A Handmade Childhood. I'd been meaning to make homemade Play-Doh for ages, not least because a certain someone still can't resist eating the shop-bought kind, which can't be good.
So, in the afternoon we stirred our stumps to go and buy some cream of tartar and I holed up in the kitchen and made some Play-Doh, veggie chilli (inspired by our visit to
Wilf's last Saturday) and a indulgent Victoria sponge (just because!). A tasty supper and a good night's sleep later and things looked much brighter. This morning saw the first test run of our Play-Doh, which I didn't put colouring in as we're in a rented house with pale carpets...he didn't seem to mind and his fascinated absorption gave me a chance to sneak a few more stitches on his quilt.

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