I'm aware that compared to usual, there's been quite a reduction in craft project news and accounts of days out walking on these pages recently. I cannot complain that baby #2 is hanging on in there instead of arriving two months early as it's older brother did. However, this, my first real experience of full on third trimester pregnancy, is proving hard work! It has certainly got a lot harder to find the energy to pack up and get out there, despite the lovely weather. As for the craft, well, the energy is part of it. Finishing off various presents is another part, and the lack of materials for new projects is yet another.
Ah, excuses, excuses. But this weekend something like normal service was resumed. With C providing the much needed support, we headed to Fell Foot park on Windermere for a slightly impromptu rehearsal for the birthday picnic we're planning on Friday (yes, our little fella is 2 years old this week!). A sunny weekend meant that the number of people there was about ten times what it has been on other occasions, but once we'd bagged a parking space, it was lovely just to be among all the families taking every advantage of the weather. We coveted the canoes of some well equipped groups, although most had older kiddies than us- maybe a future plan?
We also took advantage of the gorgeous play park, which is the nicest I've seen in a long time, if ever. Set under trees and surrounded by rhododendrons which provide den and hide and seek potential in themselves, there's a zip wire and giant climbing frame for older ones, but for a change, also lots of great wooden equipment for little ones including a wooden sailing boat suspended on chains for authentic rocking wave motion and a cute little maze where a lot of shrieking and 'peekaboo' goes on! The floor is all soft wood chippings and even on Saturday it didn't feel overcrowded.
As for the crafting, well, I've been knitting a chicken. As you do. Okay, I know it's a bit weird, but a friend gave me a kit to make a felted chicken way back when I was pregnant with P and, despite carting it into hospital with me when he arrived, I just never got into it. Then on Friday night, as C and I watched a DVD, I finally got going with it. The knitting part was finished on Saturday night, so just need to stick it in the wash and felt it. Those familiar with my habit of ruining perfectly good knitted items by sticking them in the wrong wash and felting them will have every confidence in my ability to carry out this part...finished pics to follow, I hope.
This knitting was the warm up for the next 'proper' project though. I'm very excited that darling C has ordered the yarn for me to start on the Manu cardigan I've been wanting for ages. Should I finish it before the baby arrives, I think it will cope with the bump by way of draping around the sides. And yes, I know it's summer, but I am the sort of cold bones type that is never far from an extra layer, even in hot weather. Just can't wait for that yarn package to arrive!
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