There are times when I sew properly, carefully, with good light and an ironing board set up nearby. Then there are times when I just need to get stuff done out of necessity and those quality standards are- ahem- relaxed a little. Last night was one of those times. Madame Dribble really needed some better bibs as we were constantly changing clothes that were soaked down the front, while the young sir has trouble with leaky nappies at night time and needed some more PJ trousers.
In just one morning of M wearing the bandana-style bibs I've made I've been showered with compliments and told I should to into production. Each time I've confessed 'THEY'RE NOT MY IDEA!'. There is a company here who make these absorbent cloth triangular bibs and very good they are too. It's just that we have a near non-existent budget. Therefore I borrowed their idea, and one of their products from a friend and made up my own version using scrap fabric, some leftover brushed cotton for the backing and adding a layer of terry cloth from an unused nappy in the middle for extra dribble soaking. Only trouble is, she can easily soak all four in a day, so another late night session may be in the offing.
The leftover brushed cotton was also pressed into service for P's PJs, as was an old t-shirt of C's. I used the method described by Amanda Blake-Soule in 'The Creative Family' for these, basically using an existing pair of trousers as a pattern. I made his first couple of pairs like this a year or more ago and he still wears them in bed- easy to make, comfy to wear and free material to make it, what's not to love? Just don't look too closely at the finishing...this was necessity sewing, remember??
Very impressed by the trousers I have had little success with two attempts. Loving the liberty print as well. You life sounds a bit like mine, too many projects not enough time.