Okay, I'll admit it, I have serious woodland envy issues! I love the idea of owning some woodland, learning to manage it, maybe heating the house using fuel we'd grown, maybe building a yurt on it...you get the idea of what is definitely nothing more than a dream at the moment. Maybe the next best thing then, is to have some good friends whose family have bought some lovely woodland in a valley near us. Today we got to visit it for the first time and it was magical, from shuffling through the leaves to making music by banging sticks on logs, from being able to let the toddlers tootle off on their own adventures (nearly) out of sight, to eating lunch and drinking tea in the cosy little caravan they've moved there. I get the feeling we'll be back.
Meanwhile, I can't believe that it's been a week since I wrote anything here. It's not that I haven't been productive, but just that I seem to have lots of projects part way through and nothing to show for it just yet. In the case of a certain pirate jumper it's a case of rip it up and start again (ouch!). But hopefully soon I'll have some good stuff to show and tell, especially with a certain special season approaching!
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