The magic loop in question is being deployed on the Pirate jumper I'm making for P. It's working instead of DPNs for the sleeves, but I'm finding it pretty tedious and annoying work. This is probably why I'm giving it a break for a while. That and the fact that given how fussy the intended audience is when it comes to clothes, especially tops, at the moment. I'm not sure I can take the rejection of my specially designed, handknitted from BFL yarn offering just yet, so I'll go back to it in a wee while and maybe he'll be feeling slightly more cooperative.
I also have huge temptation in the form of spoils from a trip to Kendal last weekend. The trip took place for an initially bad reason- C's phone going on the blink and needing to go there to be fixed- but unexpected post the day before turned it into a bit of a treat. The post in question was a letter from the Inland Revenue, explaining I'd overpaid tax last year and enclosing a cheque!!! Okay, so the overdraft swallowed it, but we decided that a few treats were still in order, therefore new boots, a yummy lunch out and a visit to William's Wools made it a very nice day indeed. The yarn shop visit was not entirely selfish, as both purchases were in preparation for Christmas presents. Can't say much about the Noro in case the wrong eyes read this, but the golden Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino is destined to be a teddy bear like the one I made for P. It's hard to know what to get as a Christmas present for a 6 month old baby, so I've decided M should have something handmade with love. Hopefully she'll love it as much as P loves 'Edmund' bear. I'll keep some yarn back for essential darning in case she does!
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