Our wee boy is three! As usual with parenting moments like this, it feels like ages and yet no time at all since he was in an incubator in Royal Glamorgan Hospital having surprised us all by arriving 2 months before his due date. It's fair to say he hasn't stopped since, with the fading remains of a black eye appearing in all his birthday pictures as evidence of how he throws himself full tilt at the world (the injury occurred during nap time for goodness' sake!). This year he had a party at his Granny and Grandpa's farm, with a tractor and lambs in the field next door, a straw bale fort to play in and just the right amount of sunshine for a lovely day. Despite a nasty bout of tonsillitis during the previous week I somehow managed to pull off the 'Combine Harvester' cake I'd been planning so I felt I did my bit, but it was a host of wonderful family and friends who really made his day.
It looks like you had a great day! I love the cake and hope you were feeling well enough to enjoy the party x