Way back in the summer I started using up some odds and ends of Rowan Felted Tweed DK to make a cushion cover. I wanted the chance to try out some stitch patterns from a lovely old World War II book I had and I posted some of the pics on this blog.

Who would have thought that an idle wander through the Ravelry forums would lead me to stumble across a call for submissions for a new knitting magazine. My cushion idea seemed like the sort of thing they were after- picking up on trends (vintage/mid century interiors) and portable (the front is a patchwork of squares that make good 'take along' projects).

With nothing to lose, I drew my sketch, wrote my proposal, scanned some samples (which don't exactly look promising do they? Imagination was needed evidently!) and waited. Next thing I knew the email came to say 'yes please' and there I was with my first commission. So today I went into one of my local supermarkets (here, in the back of beyond!) and bought a copy of 'Knit Now' magazine with my very own pattern in it. More (very lovely) pics are on Ravelry here.
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