A little more apple cookery today- only one product, but after finely chopping 1.5kg of apples can you blame me?! The product in question is Apple, Cinnamon and Raisin Compote from The Women's Institute Book of Preserves and although it doesn't look terribly tempting, it tastes yummy. Yesterday's Blackberry and Apple jam set fine, by the way.
Little bit more work done on the 'High Tea' collection of teacosies for my Folksy shop- finished one and begun another, but I'm going to keep them more or less under wraps for now. I also took a deep breath today and braved putting one of my teacosy designs up as a free download on Ravelry. The Union Jack cosy was one of the first ones I did for the Folksy shop and was the first one I sold- it led to a couple more on commission and I got very sick of intarsia as a result! It's scary to think that other people will be trying to follow the instructions I wrote, even though its a pretty simple pattern. Last time I looked it had been added as a favourite by quite a few people, with a few also downloading it or adding it to their queue- eep! If you're interested, you can find it here.
that is the most fantastic tea cosy i have ever seen, may i put a picture of it in my sketchbook?